Coaching skills tools to support transformation
Coaching training accredited by the ICF

Activision Coaching is part of the groupe Variations, a company specialising in supporting transformations since 1994.

Activision Coaching: about us
Activision Coaching is a coaching school offering certified training in coaching to employees, HR officers and managers, as well as people who are retraining for a different career. Activision Coaching was created in 2004 in Lisbon by Catherine Tanneau, a management coach and Master Coach (MCC) with over 3,500 coaching hours, who is still Educational Director at a global level. For over 12 years, Activision Coaching has trained HR officers, managers, consultants, trainers, entrepreneurs, etc. in the coaching industry, approach and skills through ACTP training accredited by ICF from the outset. Professional Certified Coach (PCC) or MCC (Master Certified Coach) with over 1,500 hours of practice, they have operational experience in supporting transformation within organisations.
They are trained in Process Com and systems analysis and are supervised by coaching and supervision professionals. The majority of members of the teaching team are part of coaching professional bodies; Denise Sin Blima is part of the ICF France professional training committee, Anne Dominguez is a member of the
ICF Portugal ethics committee, and Isabelle Noleau and Catherine Tanneau were chairs of ICF France between 2013 and 2015.
Action-learning focused teaching
Coaching is a job which you learn by doing. The alternation between theory and practice allows us to “practise theory and theorise practice” to genuinely consolidate the coach’s skills and approach. Our training is focused on intensive practice, both face-to-face with “live” coaching to test different roles (coach, coachee and observer) with trainers, and with peers in peer groups. During the training course, each participant will complete a 4 to 6 session coaching process with a “real” client.
Who is the target audience of our professional coaching training?
Are you a manager looking to bolster your leadership to boost your own performance as well as your company’s performance? Become a Manager Coach by enrolling in one of our certified coaching programmes. Learn how to adopt the right approach by becoming a team coach. Who hasn’t dreamed of motivating their teams without resorting to a carrot and stick approach? With Activision Coaching, you will learn about situational intelligence and you can apply these principles to your working environment. Want to breathe new life into your career? Why not become a professional coach? It’s important to prepare carefully when retraining for a new career, and to be supervised by the right people to succeed: Activision Coaching expert coaches will guide and support you throughout your journey. Several levels of coaching certification will allow you to start your business as a professional coach. Then, keep learning with our coach training such as Process Communication Coaching, which allows you to offer coaching in accordance with the ICF standard, or join a supervision group. Our coaching school’s training adheres to a strict methodology, tried and tested by the hundreds of participants who we have already trained. Our network of former students is growing. Thanks to our international partners, Activision Coaching offers training which is recognised outside of France! Plus English-language courses can be offered. Interested? Please call Sophie on 01 56 53 52 02 or contact us.